Aerial and Urban Ninja Camp – Spring Break – April 14-18
Join the De Leon Dynamics Aerial Competition Team!
Loving your classes, and ready to take it to the next level?
Are you: Looking to one day become a pro-performer?
The DLD Team is one of the top aerial teams in the country!
Next audition: April 12, 2025, from 11-2pm
Audition Information: No cost to audition and no obligation to join – students must be at the intermediate level on at least one apparatus.
After a mandatory parent’s meeting at the beginning of auditions (parents, please plan to attend), we will do strength, flexibility and character exercises to mimic professional cirque auditions.
Some Demo Team commitments include:
– De Leon Dynamics’ Demo Team is a 1-year commitment.
– Commitment to participate in the demo team-specific practices each week (regular absences will result in removal from team)
– Commitment to participate in a minimum of 4 hours training per week (to be discussed during parent meeting at beginning of audition)
– Participation in community performances and competitions.
– Parent volunteer hours at De Leon Cirque Fest™.
Questions? Ask us at the front desk or email us at info@deleondynamics.com!